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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

FlyBy is the commercial trademark of Flybai S.L of Spain. Flybai is an Approved Training Organization registered with the Spanish Civil Aviation Authority (AESA) with registration number E-166. AESA is a member of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the licence issued is valid in all EASA member countries; UK, Germany, France, etc. With many years of pilot training expertise, Flybyschool provides training of the highest quality to student pilots. Flybyschool offers an integrated course which includes ATPL, CPL, ME, IR and MCC which combines ground school courses and flying training delivered in accordance with the EASA and AESA requirements.
Burgos Airport
Ctra. de Logroño, 107
Burgos 09007, Spain
We believe the easiest way to get to Burgos as an international student, is by flying to Madrid Barajas International Airport. From Terminal 4 you can take a bus provided by the Spanish bus company ALSA to Burgos, or you can take the metro to Madrid Chamartin Train Station and get a high speed train provided by RENFE direct to Burgos. The bus can take up to 5 hours whereas the train will get you there in just over 2 hours.
Click here to learn more

Once you have reviewed all of the information ​we send to you, the information at our website and in speaking with our admissions director, we would recommend that you book a visit to our School.

You can arrange such a trip by contacting us.

Pilot admission testing will be conducted prior to any course commencement. Subjects covered are Personality, English, Mathematics and Physics. If Personality test is not passed, no training can be offered.
Requiring correction to your vision is not automatically disbarring from a career as an airline pilot. The requirements are that distant visual acuity, with or without correction, shall be 6/9 or better in each eye separately and binocular visual acuity shall be 6/6 or better. For an initial examination the refractive error shall not exceed +6 diopters. For more information we recommend that you contact an approved Aeromedical Centre (AEMC).
Having some form of color blindness does not necessarily prevent you from having a career as an airline pilot, providing you can pass acceptable color perception tests (predominately Red/Green perception). For more information we recommend that you contact an approved Aeromedical Centre (AEMC).
​There are no height limits that will affect you qualifying for a civil professional license. But if you are particularly short or tall, less than 5’2″ (157cm) or over 6’6″ (200cm), you would be well advised to clarify which aircraft you would fit into and be able to reach all the controls comfortably. This would identify whether your height would limit your career prospects in the future.
First check to see if you meet our entry criteria listed in our entry requirements. Before you can enroll at FlyBy, you will attend a pilot assessment process. This assessment is designed to assess an applicant’s overall suitability for the pilot career. It typically comprises different aptitude tests. The results of this assessment will give you the best indication regarding your suitability for a career as a pilot.
Everyone that meets the minimum entry criteria may apply. FlyBy maintains equal opportunity standards that prohibit discrimination based on gender, race, religion, age or national origin. With regard to non-EU cadets, being accepted in our course, means you will be able to apply for a student visa. So far, our success record is 100% in obtaining visas for our students.
The FlyBy Integrated course takes students with little or no previous flying experience, to a Commercial Pilot’s License (CPL) with a Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR) referred to as the ‘frozen’ ATPL. Also included at the end of training is a Multi Crew Co-operation (MCC). From this point, pilots can then be employed as a First Officer with an airline where they will need to obtain the Type Rating on the aircraft they will be flying.

Graduate pilots with a ‘frozen’ ATPL are free to train onto any aircraft type and to fly for any airline that will accept their EASA license. Most airlines will initially assign new First Officers to “short haul” fleets so they can build experience in the more demanding departure and approach phases of flight. Once an ATPL holder has gained 1,500 hours experience, the ATPL becomes ‘unfrozen’ and they are then eligible to be considered for promotion to Captains.

The price of the course is inclusive of VAT, all training, accommodation, meals, landing fees, etc. It does not include transportation to and from point of origin. In order not to incur in additional costs, the student just needs to maintain good progress.
There are many variables when starting your career as a professional pilot but, broadly, it greatly depends on the airline you are working for, the type of aircraft you are flying and the region of the world you are flying.

In the European market a rough estimate for a pilot flying for a small regional airline initially could earn €30,000 per year. A first officer working for one of the larger European airlines could earn between €45,000 and €55,000 per year. Some airlines will take back the cost of the initial Type Rating, usually from the first years’ salary. Experienced captains flying long-haul aircrafts could earn as much as €150,000 per year. Salaries tend to increase with each year of service with a company.

Do you offer ICAO English exams?

FlyBy is now an ICAO-registered English examination center, accredited thanks to its partnership with The English Center in Mallorca.

ICAO English Exam
Our ICAO English exam follows EASA regulations and has been issued by the Hungarian Civil Authority. As per our experience and highly professional team we can provide, if the requirements are met, up to ELP6.

The ICAO English test will last approximately 30 minutes and will consist of three different parts.



You are expected to be able to speak about your professional life. The interlocutor will ask you some related questions..



You will listen to two different audio samples (with no visual contact). You will be expected to answer specific questions related to the audio content and you will be asked to talk about what you have understood from the recording. You will hear each recording only once. You will be allowed to take notes. (The English Centre will provide you with pen and paper for that purpose). You will not be allowed to take these notes after the exam.


You will be presented an image or a photograph on the topic of aviation. You will be expected to speak about a specific theme. The interlocutor will ask you several topic related questions. You will have 20 seconds to look at the photograph before you are asked to start.

The test will be recorded on audio or video media for subsequent rating. All notes and recordings are confidential and will be treated according to the applicable law on the Protection of Personal Data.

You can download some test samples here.


Please contact the FlyBy team.

FlyBy operates two different type of courses; cadet and self-sponsored. FlyBy is working towards having active cadetship programs although we currently do not offer such programs. Cadet programs are conducted in conjunction with airlines where selection process is conducted by both parties and students are offered a job after successful completion of their training.

On the other hand, self-sponsored students decide to commence their training without any airline process approval, therefore there is no guarantee of a job offer. Being said this, FlyBy will try to facilitate job interviews through our network of contacts to those students that have excelled at their training.

The simple answer is yes; No medical = No License. The initial medical can be completed at any EASA approved Aeromedical Centre (AeMC) but it is strongly recommended to do it in Spain. Cost of this medical is included in our fees.

For non-EU students, it would be advisable to attend a local medical assessment for a local equivalent of a Class 1 Medical to avoid wasting money before training can commence.

The flag carrier from the Sultanate of Oman is growing!

FlyBy has designed a special program taylored to meet their requirements. The course will be 15 months, following the same timeline as the Integrated ATPL Program but adding one additional month of training. More about the Integrated ATPL Program.

The Oman Program has a one month extention for students to have time to retrieve an extra 20 hours of fly time on an SE-VFR in order to comply with their requirements.

Min requirements are to have 200 Total Hours and 100 PIC hours (Pilot In Command). With our training you will not only complete 100 PIC hours but a total of 258 hours including a Multi Crew Cooperation course.

With our training you will gain the EASA Commercial Piloto License (CPL) coupled with Instrument Rating (IR) and Multi Emgine (ME). Airline Transport Pilot License Theory (ATPL theory) and Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC).

​If you hold the PPL, we will credit you up to 40 flying hours. Follow the chart below to see.
FlyBy enjoys a 100% success record obtaining Student VISAs. The reason why? Because we follow the regulations to the letter!

​You can scroll up to find the full details on the application process. Click the button below to begin the application process.

​An airline transport pilot license or ATP/ATPL integrated course is the fastest way for a person to achieve the goal of becoming a ​commercial airline pilot qualified to work with any of the major passenger carriers in the European Union. You can start this training knowing nothing about being an airline pilot with no flight experience and then be taken systematically through each requirement including theoretical sessions, completing flight training hours, up and through exams. With our accelerated curriculum you can go from zero to airline pilot in only 14 months at one low tuition fee of 79,500 Euros with no hidden costs.

The great advantage of such a program is that it allows one to rapidly achieve their dream of becoming a pilot. Many people who decide to become a commercial pilot choose a step wise modular approach, taking courses individually to accumulate their requirements over time. This might seem like a more economical idea at first; however, it takes longer time and many pilots find they never get around to completing all the requirements. It is also highly inefficient as their can be unnecessary overlap in your training, particularly if you are receiving training serially from different schools.

Perhaps most importantly, major airlines are currently favoring students who have completed an ATP integrated training. So not only does taking the ATPL integrated track get you to your goal of a license sooner, it also increases the probability that you receive a good position with an airline after you graduate.​


Our Integrated ATPL course is €79,500 all inclusive. If you would like the option without accommodation, meals and transportation the price is €64,000. If you would like the option without accommodation and meals but including transportation the price is €64,980. And if you would like the option without meals but including accommodation and transportation then the price is €69,180.
  • Accommodation for 14 months; a single bedroom in a 3 bedroom apartment at University dormitories
  • Meals: 3 meals per day, 7 days per week
  • Shuttle service between dormitories and airfield for 12 months (no flying during first 2 months)
  • Study material from Bristol Ground School or similar (12 month subscription)
  • iPad
  • Ground exam fees for ATPL exams in León (1 try per subject)
  • Flight skill tests (2 tests total)
  • Headphones
  • Initial Class 1 Medical Examination
  • Aeronautical Charts
  • Access to AENA’s AIP charts
  • AENA 1:500.000 from León
  • Ministry of Defense 1:1.000.000 East and West
  • Ministry of Defense 1:2.000.000 IFR Spain
  • Flight Manual
  • Flight Data Computer (CR3)
  • Log Book
  • Maneuvers Manual
  • Uniform: 2 trousers, 3 shirts, 2 ties, 1 jersey
In the first two months you are introduced to the ATPL subjects in our Foundation stage of the course. After completing this phase all 14 ATPL subjects will be taught in depth. You will have classes 5 days a week for 6 months. Flying also begins now: you will take the first Solo flight and intensive cross-country training is conducted. This is the most demanding stage in the course since you will start your flights at the same time as taking your theory lessons. Difficult school exams must be passed before you are allowed to take the official exams before the Civil Aviation Authority. Upon completion, official exams at the Spanish Civil Aviation authority will be taken. Once all 14 ATPL exams are passed flight training gets even more demanding; intensive IFR training is conducted, both in SPIC and dual flights. And finally, multi engine training is conducted in faster and more complex airplanes working towards the final skill tests. This phase also covers MCC competency based training on certified simulators.
If for some reason your training takes longer than 14 months you will need to pay any additional costs incurred by you. You do not need to pay €3,700/month for every month you are here extra, only whatever is necessary for accommodation and food. You will be required to pay an extra €150 for the transportation to and from the airfield.
The EASA Integrated course takes students with little or no flying experience to a Commercial Pilot’s License (CPL) with a Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (ME-IR) referred to as the ‘frozen’ ATPL. The course also includes a Multi Crew Co-operation (MCC) course.

Graduate pilots with a ‘frozen’ ATPL are free to fly for any airline that will accept the most respected license in the industry: European EASA. Students will need to train for a specific Type Rating on the aircraft the airline operates. Most airlines will initially assign new First Officers to “short haul” fleets so they can build experience in the more demanding departure and approach phases of flight. Once an ATPL holder has gained 1,500 hours experience, the ATPL becomes ‘unfrozen’ and they are then eligible to be considered for promotion to Captain.

We have modern fleet of planes and have just added several new vehicles to our fleet. Three of the models we use are the Tecnam P2002JF, the Tecnam P2006T, and the Piper PA28. You can learn more by clicking the button below.

​We ​also have a modern inventory of simulators. Three of the models we use are the ​Boeing 737 NG800, the Beechcraft Baron, and the Cessna 172. You can learn more by clicking the button below.

Life in Burgos

Free WIFI is available not only throughout the entire campus but also in the dormitories.
We provide a private shuttle bus to take you to and from the university to the airfield. The morning bus departs the university at 07:15 (09:00 at weekends), the afternoon bus departs the university at 13:15 and leaves the airfield at 15:00, and the evening bus leaves the airfield at 18:15

Entry requirements

  • Be at least 17 years of age to apply (18 to commence training).
  • Be able to obtain an EASA Class 1 medical without restrictions.
  • To pass our admission tests which include Personality, English, Mathematics and Physics.
  • It is recommended to have completed secondary or high school education.
  • You must meet ICAO English Level 4 standards.
The admission tests include Aptitude, Personality, English, Mathematics and Physics. Read our assessment guide for more information.